Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Breakfast (or snack) of Champions

One of the most exciting things I do is try to come up with new recipes that get me the biggest "bang for my buck" (i.e. they are filling, satisfying, and I don't feel deprived). I was talking to a co-worker yesterday who is also trying to watch what she eats for health reasons, and we discussed how it seems like most people are: (1) more concerned about quantity; versus (2) all about the quality (sacrifice feeling satisfied for something that tastes good). Overall, I'm usually more about number 1, but I try often to combine both items so that I eat what I want, but also make sure it tastes good too. My co-worker even said, "I'm all about quality...even if that means I'm going to be hungry in five minutes." I definitely don't work that way. I don't care how good it is, if I am not satisfied, quality goes out the window and I'm about 10 points over where I wanted to be for that meal/snack.

I recently have been experimenting in the mornings with a concept I like to call: "Create your own Smoothie." Smoothies are VERY filling and very satisfying, and easy enough to make that I can combine the ingredients together, turn the blender on, and enjoy the smoothie as I make my lunch and get ready to leave in the morning. My latest smoothie (although very easy) has been AWESOME!

1 cup frozen strawberries (0 points)
1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt (1 point)
3 oz. orange juice (1 point)
1 packet splenda (0 points)

Total Points: 2

Combine all in blender, and blend until smooth...

That's it....very simple, and surprisingly delicious and filling. Sometimes I use a frozen mixed berry blend to shake things up a bit, but this adds another point to the smoothie. Try it sometime, and you'll be surprised at how good this is, and how much it keeps you on track throughout the day!


  1. Hey there...you should check out my blog - every Tuesday I post "recession cuisine". I am all about getting the most nutritional bang for your buck. Yes, it can be expensive to eat healthily. However 1) if you eat more nutrient dense food, you'll be satiated for longer, and 2) you're basically doing preventative care. Over time if you keep eating chemical laden, artificial food, it's going to show up in your health. Just my 2 cents.
    BODA weight loss

  2. hi neil! awesome idea here w/ the blog... i'm on ww as well and trying to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. i looove smoothies and sometimes spend a couple extra points to make them ginormous! i use the v8 fusion fruit juices b/c 8 oz counts as a serving of fruits AND a serving of veggies... it's 2 pointes, but if you can find the v8 fusion light, then that's only 1 pt. i also add a few cubes of ice to bulk it up. it's fun to experiment w/ different frozen fruits and fruit-flavored yogurts too! and i find it's extra fun to drink with a colorful bendy straw... so i do! :-D

  3. That's similar to my super salad concept - very versatile, very satisfying and good for you!

    I used to be all about quantity but now have completely changed my mindset and don't care about volume - it's all about quality for me from here on out.
