Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's a new day....

Hello all.  I know I have not been great with my updates this past month. The last stretch for law school got the best of me, and unfortunately it took time away from keeping up with the blog. I will update you with my weight when I weigh-in on Friday, but I can tell you that I haven't lost anything over the past month, but I also haven't gained either....

It's a new day...

I officially finished law school last Friday. This occasion is truly momentous for me, and culminates 3 years of hard work and some fun thrown in there too. Before I enter the real world (as a soon to be attorney), I have this final summer to do three things:
1) STUDY for the bar exam;
2) Setup a better WORKOUT ROUTINE;
3) LIVE a HEALTHY lifestyle.

That's it.  Nothing more, and importantly, nothing less.  I've drifted from my routine. I've drifted from my goals, and it's time to start new.

It was a beautiful day today, and I was able to take advantage of it by getting outside and running. I am proud to say that I ran slightly more than a 5K (I ran a total of 3.3 miles) in 41 minutes!!! This is a great point for me to be at since I have my 5K run coming up on June 12.  My goal is to run that in under 35 minutes.

I have a lot of blog posts that I have been wanting to put up, and I will be getting to them soon.

It's time to start anew.  Thank you all for your support, and get ready because the second half of this year is going to be even more exciting than the first!!!!